Rabu, 23 Mei 2012

Health and Fitness: Headaches Migraines Article Category

What Causes a Migraine Headache?

If you are reading this, it is because you may be interested in the subject, or you may be experiencing these headaches yourself. The first thing I would like to share with you is that I know what it feels like, because I've been there for many years, struggling with my own demons breaking my head in two.

But after a lot of research, I learned much about these Migraine Headaches, enough to find the source of my own disorder.

All I can say now is that I consider myself cured from this. Of course I have some headaches sometimes, we all do, but the most important thing I made in my life was to change certain habits that were triggering these headaches, and being powered because of my life style, they were becoming really a danger to my health.

What was my trigger in particular?


Before I realized all this, I had a very stressed life, a stressful job that took me many hours almost every day with overtime hours, and in that moment I was having some issues at home. And not to count that I go to college everyday after work.

Many stressful situations, and being myself a stressed person, I was collapsing. And then I started to experience these painful Migraine Headaches.

I had almost three to four episodes every week, that lasted more than five hours or so. I often woke up at night with my skull in flames, lot of pain behind my eye-balls.

As you can see, It was becoming a really dangerous situation in my life. Of course I seek for Medical advice. And they gave me relief pills, there are tons of them to try, and depending on each person, they really work. They worked for me as well, but the problem was that, the more I took them, the less effect they were giving me.

Then I realized that I had to track the source of it, because it was not normal at all, and it was not pathological as well.

When I discovered all these triggers, I just couldn't believe it, all the information that we don't have if we don't research for it. After taking some action, it took me like six months to make a life style change that suited me better, and guess what? My migraines started to decrease considerably!

So that you already know that STRESS might be one trigger for migraines, I will share some other that are vital in every person life, like:

  • Diets: Diets can be a trouble if not followed correctly, and it can be as well a trigger for headaches.
  • Sleep: Sleeping disorders are a very common trigger for headaches, and the way we live today nowadays, it is very likely almost all of us have some problems here some times.
  • Sex Life: you can find this funny, but this IS a trigger. Emotional feelings are very much related to having headaches, and a mix of emotions and sex, it just can happen!
  • Period time: for women, same as above, feelings play their part here.
  • Weather: Humidity, rain, excessive heat, these are all factors that trigger headaches.
  • Environment: Like cigarettes, smoke, smog in suburbs, perfumes, all triggers as well.

There are more triggers, but I consider these as the most common and the most relevant for all migraine sufferers.

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